Gilad Sharon’s Dream On His Father, Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon at a visit to the White House, Ap...

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve just read today’s article from the New York Times on Gilad Sharon’s dream on Ariel Sharon, Israel‘s former Prime Minister who had a ‘debilitating stroke’ while in power in early 2006. The article writer wrote that Mr Sharon’s family was urged to let the former Primer Minister die after the stroke, but his family didn’t agree to the idea. Gilad, one of the two sons of Mr Sharon from his second marriage, had a dream, which was described in the book he wrote about his father.

“I told them about a dream I had had many years ago,” he (Gilad) recounts in the book “Sharon: The Life of a Leader,” speaking of his discussions with the medical staff of Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem. “In that dream I was with my father in the hospital. He was lying in bed, surrounded by medical staff, and they had all either given up or lost hope and were about to leave, and my father didn’t say a thing, but he stared at me with this look, with those green-gray eyes of his, and I knew I would never give up, and that I simply would not leave him. This was a dream I had when my father was healthy and strong and the scenario was completely divorced from reality. I did not tell a soul about the dream at the time, but now I shared it with them and my fear that it was happening now and that I would never be able to forgive myself if we did not fight to the end. “

Based on this anecdote, would you have taken the same stance if you find yourself in a similar situation? It’s fairly easy to ignore dreams that you would rather forget especially if it involves someone you know or someone close to you. Would you have considered a similar dream as a sign of something untoward that may happen to someone you know and love? We will never really know. But we’re certain that dreams have critical function in our daily lives, hence we can’t help but to pay close attention to the details of our dreams…

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