Sayings on Dreams! (from many sources) VII

Dreams are necessary to life. ~ Anais Nin

I remember reading one of Anais Nin’s books when I was still a teenager, but I could not remember which one for sure (it could probably be ‘Delta of Venus‘ but I have to get a copy again to verify this). And I

Portrait of Anais Nin taken in NYC in 70s by E...

know for sure it was a translation. I remember reading it on the sly as I sensed there was something forbidden by authorities I recognized then that made me feel that way. I remember her narratives to be dreamy-like in the wordings, in the many lines that flowed through out the book. Now I see she’s one of the female authors who exemplify best the traits we usually see in what’s considered as the ‘feminine archetype’ (check Carl Jung‘s theories on this). And  I agree; we need dreams in order to fully function and very well as human-like as we could be in our daily lives, given distractions in many forms coming our way. Dreams make certain bad realities in life become and look better.

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